31 March, 2009
At Least He Shouldn't Need to Collect Unemployment
30 March, 2009
It's 12 o'clock....Time for Some News!
-Happy trails to the Pitt basketball team. Pitt was eliminated by conference rival Villanova on Saturday night, thanks to a last-second layup by Scottie Reynolds. Best of luck to outgoing seniors Levance Fields, Sam Young, and Tyrell Biggs, and you may as well say goodbye to Dejuan Blair, it's looking like the NBA is in his very near future. Dry your tears Pitt fans, at least Penn State's hoopsters are still in the hunt for a championship (ouch). And this will be the very last time I write anything about basketball. It sucks. If anyone calls Sidney Crosby a whiner, please take the time to watch a college basketball game. Basketball coaches whine and bitch more than any person I know. Every good call, bad call, non-call...the coach has something to say. It's embarrassing. Fuck basketball, especially the NBA. Play some defense for Christ's sake.
-Marvel Smith signed a multi-year contract with the 49ers over the weekend. Yawn. Is he still playing? Now you realize why teams like the 49ers are bottom feeders, they sign injured scrubs to big contracts who can barely walk, let alone play a 16-game NFL season. Best of luck to you Marvel, you played some good football for the Steelers before you died three years ago.
-Andrew McCutcheon was reassigned to the minors. Smart move by the Pirates (did I just say that?) This team probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so why start McCutcheon's free agency clock to play in a meaningless environment? Get him some quality at-bats against inferior pitching and build his confidence. He did bat over .300 this spring, but was still striking out too much for my liking. We'll see him in the 'Burgh sooner rather than later. And another familiar prospect...er I mean talentless scrub has been sent down as well, Mr. Brian Bixler. Good riddance. This guy was supposed to be Jack Wilson's heir at shortstop, but because of his inability to hit major league pitching he'll be languishing in the minors again. If Jack Wilson really is genuine about his wanting to stay in Pittsburgh, he has to send Bixler a thank you card for his repeated failures. If Bixler had shown any promise during his major league stints, Jumpin' Jack would be playing in greener pastures right now.
-Missed the Pens' game on Saturday, the first game all season I haven't watched or attended. Usually I try to DVR the games I'm going to miss and watch them at a later time, but this time I shit the bed. It's a shame, because from some of the text messages I received Saturday I missed a good one. Six games left for the Pens, and things are still looking up.
29 March, 2009
Rant From The Recliner
Wilson is set to make $7.25MM in 2009,
Wilkerson, who had signed a minor-league deal, had an opt-out option in his deal that permitted him to leave the team up until April 1. Wilkerson was hitting just .119 in 42 at-bats, striking out 18 times.
You're better off Brad - FUCK BOSTON!
25 March, 2009
Rant From The Recliner : Hump Night
Boo Hoo

Tuukka Rask=The Man.
24 March, 2009
No Way Jose
Missing 2-month-old Plant City girl found safe
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY (Bay News 9) -- A missing 2-month-old girl has been found safe. An Amber Alert was issued for Sandra Cruz-Francisco Monday after she was last seen at the Plant City Health Center on Michigan Avenue in Plant City. She was there with her mother getting a check-up. Police believe the suspect, calling herself Janet, may have posed as an immigration official, convincing the baby's mother to turn over the child as a way to avoid deportation. "Basically, what we were told was there was a conversation," said Plant City Police Capt. Darrell Wilson. "I know there's been some stories out there about immigration but we haven't confirmed what exactly was said. There was some story about immigration and some type of official."This afternoon investigators received an anonymous call saying the woman and baby were on a street corner in Bradenton. When deputies arrived they found 43-year-old Amaila Tabata Pereira waiting for them with the child. They say it's possible she's the one who made the call.So you read the above article and said to yourself, "What does this have to do with the Pittsburgh Pirates?" Take a look at the name of the accused woman. TABATA. It turns out she is the wife of the Pirates' heralded prospect Jose Tabata. This has to raise some red flags. Jose Tabata is barely twenty years old, and is married to a 43-year old baby snatcher. He's had questions raised about his maturity and has had numerous transgressions in his past. Granted, he's only 20 years old, and we've all made some questionable decisions in our own lives at that age. But this has to be raising some eyebrows in the Buccos' organization. Tabata is being counted on as a large building block for the Pirates' future, but right now this guy has Jose Guillen Jr. written all over him.
23 March, 2009
Pitt is Shitt (but not so much anymore)
With PSU's move to the Big Ten and Pitt's place in the Big East, new rivalries have emerged. Ask any fan under 20 who Penn State's main rivals are, and chances are you'll get Ohio State, Michigan or even Michigan State before you hear Pitt mentioned. For Pitt, WVU and the Backyard Brawl is the #1 draw in town. For me, this hurts. When I was younger, I hated Pitt more than homework, broccoli and the Cleveland Browns COMBINED. If you know me, that's a whole lot of hate.
Fast forward to 2009. Pitt's hoops team is having arguably their best season in their history. If this was young Tom, I'd be seething. Instead, I find myself rushing home from work Friday to catch the second half of Pitt's first round NCAA Tourney matchup with ETSU. Old Tom would have been celebrating Pitt's struggle to barely beat a 16 seed, but instead I found myself rooting for the former rival. After Pitt gutted out the victory, I sat on my couch and thought about what has happened to me. It was one of those self-realization moments, things had come full circle. I could now be considered a Pitt fan (wait, fan is a strong word...let's call me a supporter.)
Now I know by admitting this to everyone I'm opening myself up to the "bandwagon fan" criticisms, but my Pitt support isn't limited to the cagers. I've also had some interest in what the Wannstache is doing on the football field, and not a negative interest. Pitt and Penn State might still be rivals at heart, and if by some act of God they start playing football again (if there is a God, he would make this happen) then I'm sure my hate may reemerge at some level, but it will never reach the levels of my youth. And I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.
To get a better feel for how others have struggled with this problem, check out this post Mondesishouse did a while back. It's good to know I'm not the only one who's afflicted with this.
22 March, 2009
Rant From the Recliner

Look closely, the kids with arrows pointing towards them have RED SOX t-shirts on. Bad enough that these kids (who I have blacked out their eyes, for protection, and for punishment) hang out with Hartnell, but they like Boston. Unreal!
21 March, 2009
Pink flowers
20 March, 2009
Goodbye to Another Pittsburgh Sports Legend
18 March, 2009
Rant From the Recliner
For the first edition of 'RFTR' I thought long and hard about a catchy opening line. I could take the Jim Rome approach and let you know what I'm burning on (but you know damn well what I'm burning on), instead I'll just let it all hang out.
Team USA - FUCK OFF. I have been watching as much World Baseball Classic as I possibly can, and I love it. What most people are finding odd is who I am rooting for. It's not so much who I am rooting for, but instead who I will not root for - Team USA. I'll tell you why - 89% of the players are complete and total douchebags. For instance, the Ambiguously Gay Duo - David Wright and Kevin Puke-i-lis.
Youk just left the WBC because he hurt his ankle, probably from the manpile after beating Puerto Rico last night. David Wright said that this has been the most exciting baseball he's ever played - well, NO SHIT dickweed. He fails to get the Mets to the show every year, so I guess I can see where this is awesome for him. Youkilis? This piece of shit was just bashing Americans for not showing enough support for the team. Youk, let me explain something to you. We, the real team USA, are going through a recession - people are not going to drop bucks to go see you play baseball before the regular season. Better yet, why support you when your squad pulls a Hector Macho Kamoncho and tries to get in a fight with the Netherlands? What about the mercy rule the other night? I'm not anti-USA, I am anti douchebag though - go VENEZULA.
I recently found out that the Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane was gay(you can thank BGK for this nugget of informatioin). I did not know this, and it doesn't discount any of the work he has done - he's one of the best at what he does (putting together a good team in a small market - not gay things). Being that I had no idea about Beane...
'okay, I see it now..."
... how many other men in sports are swinging the other way? I am curious to know who you think needs outed. I'll start the debate by showing you a picture of my picks...
How Do You Like Your Sports

Is there anything worse than female sports? I mean seriously have you ever turned on a women's college basketball game and watched for just 30 seconds, its horrendous. Men don't try to give birth so why would women try to play sports. Today i was listening to Stan and Guy on ESPN 1250 and they were trying to act interested in the Lady Panthers, its bad enough that we are subjected to the men's March Madness but give me a freaking break already. Probably the only thing worse than actual female athletes are female sports reporters. Currently i am watching Around The Horn and this battle ax Jackie MacMullen is on the show flapping her gums just sounding stupid. This used to be one of my favorite shows but when this lady is on there my blood pressure rises above its normal high state to borderline stroke limits. If you are going on a TV show shouldn't you be at least somewhat decent looking and at the very least mildly entertaining? Jackie this isn't 1987, dump the Pat Summit look and get a new stylist. Don't get me wrong there are some good women athletes/reporters but for the most part its garbage. I mean there are great Tennis players because I believe this to be a sport taylor made for women, from the little skirts to all the screaming and playing with fuzzy balls that's what women should do. (Unless your Billie Jean King or Martina Navratilova) The whole reason for this post was that whack job Jackie on Around the Horn so blame it on her if you don't like it.
News at 12...
-The Pittsburgh Steelers resigned Trai Essex and Fernando Bryant yesterday. Who cares? It's March, I know the Steelers just won the Super Bowl and a fair chunk of the Steeler Nation cares more about the signings of a backup lineman and a retread member of the secondary more than their own children's well being, but save it for July, not now. (Go to Mondesishouse if you need your Steelers fix.) There's so much more going on in the world of Pittsburgh sports as we speak. Such as...
-March Madness is here. The area is well represented in the two college basketball postseason tournaments. In the NIT, Penn State (can't spell Nittany without NIT...that joke was funny the first 367 times I heard it) held off George Mason last night in OT, and the Dukes of Duquesne open postseason play in Blacksburg against VT tonight. Friday is the big day for local teams in the NCAA Tourney, with WVU, Pitt and Bobby Mo kicking off their trip to the Big Dance. Productivity in the workplace around the nation will be considerably reduced this week.
-Your Pittsburgh Pirates continue to plug along in Florida, but big news was made today, with the demotion of Tom Gorzelanny to Triple-A. Gorzo was once upon a time looked to be a lock at the Buccos rotation for years to come. Lately, not so much. I attribute his downfall to two things...the Pirates don't need another goofy looking pitcher in their starting rotation, and he has terrible taste in music.
-Saving the best for last...the Pens continue to roll. Evgeni Malkin exploded for five points in a 6-2 "thrashing" of Colby Armstrong's Atlanta Thrashers, fighting off questions of illness and a slump in the process (if you consider two games without a point a slump.) Everyone has been all over Chris Kunitz (who scored AGAIN last night) and Billy Guerin's balls during the Pens' hot stretch, but how about the rejuvenation of Jordan Staal? The guy has suddenly transformed into the beast some people (excuse me while I pat myself on the back) thought he was capable of becoming. Good thing Ray Shero doesn't listen to ignorant bandwagon fans. And I officially have a man crush on Sergei Gonchar, as I do with most puck-moving offensive defensemen not named Whitney. That dude is all business.
16 March, 2009
Vote for Pedro
The Ray Shero Love Fest (continued)...

First on the agenda was head coach Mike Therrien. Yes, he did take this team to the Stanley Cup finals only two years after being one of the worst teams in the league. But his trapping, overly conservative system was cramping the style of the freewheeling superstars the Pens employ. So out goes HCMT, in comes Baby Pens coach Disco Dan Byslma.
Bylsma's first order of business was to unleash the hounds, so to speak. The Pens hit the road and jelled from the start, finishing a five-game road trip with five much-needed victories. During the trip, Shero went back to work, sending off another Pens staple in the process.
15 March, 2009
Kudos Ray Shero
13 March, 2009
Who Cares Really?
10 March, 2009
We vs. They, revisited.
09 March, 2009
BGK is Back

The Cleveland Browns. What the fuck are you guys doing? You hired a retread coach who is reportedly standoffish with his players, traded away your best receiver in Kellen Winslow, and pissed off your best defensive player. Although the nickname "Mankok" will never get old the continued failures of this team soon will. It seems as though every 3 or 4 years a new regime takes over and has a rebuilding plan, well that's great but what are you rebuilding. Definition of rebuilding is to restore something to its original state. News flash Cleveland you keep rebuilding a losing team. Oh almost forgot the key signing of Robert Royal to replace Winslow. As far as draft goes this team needs to address the defensive side of the ball and also the aging RB position. The Browns select 5th overall and if LB Aaron Curry is there they need to take him.

The beloved Baltimore Ravens. Although i am partial to the defense, for fantasy football purposes only, i must say FUCK YOU! I am so glad you lose free agent after free agent while signing no one of real impact. Matt Birk is a nice pick up but you lost Jason Brown who many think will be one of the best lineman in the NFL. They also let Bart Scott, Matt Stover, Chris McAllister, and Jim Leonhard go into free agency. Just when Baltimore seemed to get on the right track on offense it seems like the defense could be the let down for a few years. Yes they signed Ray Ray but he is a shell of himself, Ed Reed will continue to ball hawk and dodge contact, and T-Sizzle will belly ache about his contract until they trade him. Ravens select 26th in this years draft, need to go defense or wide receiver. If USC LB Rey Maualuga is there they gotta take him if he is gone take WR Hakeem Nicks.

Oh Cincy, Cincy, Cincy!!! You lose your best WR via free agency while you have another WR who doesn't even want to be there, some how decided to keep your head coach after a terrible season, and lost another number one draft pick for the season after Hines Ward knocked him silly. This team needs to get tougher all around. There are so many glaring holes on this team i don't even know where to start so i wont. Draft analysis take Crabtree / Maclin on offense or Aaron Curry if you stay at 6, if not Aaron Maybin with a trade down in the draft around pick 10-15. Done wasting my time on this pathetic team.
06 March, 2009
Lost at Sea...
05 March, 2009
ESPN...the Worldwide Leader in Suck.
-The NHL trade deadline came and went yesterday, and other than the flurry of deals right at the 3 pm deadline, there wasn't that major blockbuster that tends to happen every year (unless you count Olli Jokinen, but a trade involving a player who's considered a cancer and has never been in the playoffs in his 10-year career isn't what I call a blockbuster.) The Pens and Ray Shero didn't listen to the numerous insane asylum escapees who clamored for the trade of Crosby and Staal, instead settling on a couple guys with grit, leadership and Stanley Cup rings (Guerin and Adams) without giving up much in return (a third round draft pick at the very worst.) If you've ever watched playoff hockey, you'll know that guys like Guerin and Adams are vital, especially when you know the refs are going to swallow their whistles and things are gonna get a bit chippy. Guerin also will also bring a solid leadership presence and ease the burden on 21-YEAR OLD Sidney Crosby.
-A player that I thought would look good in Black and Gold was former Toronto forward Nik Antropov. The man has tons of size and upside, and I thought playing alongside Sid would give him a kick. Many said he wilted under the intense spotlight in Toronto, so they gave him a change in scenery and sent him to another place with an intense spotlight, New York. I don't see much benefit for either sides in this trade.
-Unless you count the ageless Mark Recchi as a monster deal, many Eastern Conference teams didn't do much to shore up their teams heading into the playoffs, which could bode well for your Pens. The Panthers holding onto Jay Bouwmeester is a huge gamble, I think it shows the players there that they're committing to winning this year, but I don't see them making it past the second round, if they get in the playoffs at all. And if Bouwmeester bolts via free agency this summer without a Cup in Miami, you have to consider that lack of a move to be a giant mistake.
-God bless TSN. It's almost impossible to be a hockey fan in the US. There was absolutely no coverage of one of the biggest days in hockey on any of the major sporting networks yesterday. ESPN thought that Shaq flopping in a meaningless NBA game was the biggest story of the day yesterday. What a joke. Does anyone watch the NBA? I'd watch it if I was suffering from insomnia, cause it would put me to sleep in less than 10 minutes.
-In NFL news, Ray Lewis finally signed, and he's decided to stay in Baltimore. I applaud both sides for keeping him where he belongs. Well, he really belongs in prison, but that's another story. I'm glad he's staying a Raven, because it keeps the hate level high for me. And Terrell Owens was finally cut by the Cowboys. I've got fifty bucks Al Davis has a #81 Raiders jersey waiting for him.
-Don't look now, but you're Pittsburgh Pirates are 6-1 this spring, with another impressive 2-1 win over the Twins yesterday. There was an Andy LaRoche sighting, his two-run homer provided all the offense your Buccos needed. What's been most impressive is the pitching staff. Hopefully for all of us the Bucs can keep this going into the regular season, but I'm sure none of us are holding our breath.
02 March, 2009
All Pens. All the Time.
Three huge wins without Sid the Kid. He's definitely expendable now. I'd trade him in a heartbeat. Come on Ray Shero, you have three days to make this happen! Ok, back to reality now...any human being who considers themselves a hockey fan and thinks that the Pens should trade one of the top three players in the world is insane (I guess that means Bob Smizik isn't right in the head, go figure.) I cannot take the fact that fans ride guys like Crosby and Staal so hard. THEY ARE 21 AND 20 YEARS OLD, respectively. Let me reiterate that, in case you missed it. 21 AND 20. What were you doing when you were that age? Probably skipping your Pysch 101 class because you were too hung over from the beer pong tournament the night before. Take a look around at the rosters from other teams. Not too many teams have kids that are this age putting up numbers and playing vital roles for their teams. These guys can't even see their prime yet, and yet they have their team primed to make another playoff run, one year after reaching the Stanley Cup finals. Patience my friends. These guys are still learning on the fly, learning what it takes to win in this league. I have utter faith in Ray Shero, the man is learning which types of players he needs to assemble to play with these guys. Crosby, Malkin, Staal, MAF...these guys are the core, the future. Dan Bylsma seems to get it, and is letting these kids play the way they need to play to gain confidence and be successful. There's still a part or two missing for the Pens to compete this year, but to do away with one of the vital cogs would be suicide.
Ryan Whitney watch: