13 July, 2009

Dumbest Show Ever

Its been quite some time since I have blogged and kudos to Tom for continuing the fight. Just got done watching a segment on ESPN and they ended it with Colin Cowherd and a super hot Michelle Beadle, which is about all she has going for her. These two have the single most dumb ass show I have ever seen in my entire life, its called SportsNation. If you haven't seen it don't waste the time to check it out because you will want to kill yourself by the time its over. Anyway on Sportscenter the question was asked do you think you could hit a home run in the MLB Hr derby with an aluminum bat? These two ass clowns acted like it was the most preposterous question ever asked. Colin said he thought everyone who answered yes to this question are the same people who were a tweaked hammy, bum shoulder, or a coach didn't like me away from making it big. Listen I am by no stretch of the means even close to being a professional athlete however, to hit a baseball 315-330 feet is not a Herculean task. I have seen 13-15 year olds do it and I myself have done it in my younger days. He suggested that the only ones who could possibly do this would be college baseball players from the SEC or along those lines of athlete. I'd be willing to bet that I know 5 people who could right now hit a baseball out of PNC park with an aluminum bat that never played in Division I baseball or minor leagues. This is what pisses me off about sports radio personality's, most of these guys think that they know everything there is to know about everything. If you ever listened to THE HERD on ESPN 1250 you would understand what I mean. Colin Cowherd is the most condescending arrogant prick you could ever listen to. After about ten minutes you want to put your fist though the radio. This guy is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me and it completely blows my mind that ESPN would give this schmuck another show when the one he is on already blows. Fifty one percent of the viewers of this dumb ass show said yes they could do it, and I'd be willing to bet that 25% of that 51% could hit a ball out of a major league stadium with an aluminum bat. One more thing before I go, I am going to set the over/under on how long SportsNation lasts at 6 weeks. Any takers? Comment please.....I want to here from the people.


  1. hopefully not 6 weeks. aside from the piece of ass sitting beside that dickhead, the show is terrible.


  2. Now I posted a comment yesterday and its not there now. Something screwey goin' on 'round here! But I agree, that show blows whale dick!
