This guy was a Pirate?
Much has been made of the Bucs resigning Mr. LaRoche for the paltry sum of $7.05 million USD, especially compared to the contractual figures tossed around for Prince Fielder and everyone's favorite Bucco from yesteryear, the X-Man.
"Congrats, you got out of here. How? Please tell me how!"
Much has been made of Mr. LaRoche's avid hunting adventures in the offseason. From what I've heard, he's pretty good at it, on a consistent basis. And I'm sure a large portion of that seven million went to some pretty sweet artillery.
How many deer could I kill with this?
So my question is...if I'm Neal Huntington, why not put a stipulation in his contract saying that Mr. LaRoche could only spend X amount of time in the woods, and at least double that amount of time in the cage? If he's a slow starter, let's get him hitting baseballs instead of big game. If they can write in stipulations forbidding motorcycle usage, why not overuse of firearms?
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