25 March, 2009

Boo Hoo

nice fuckin shirt
Question... over 20 years a guy averages 10.8 wins a year and 7.3 losses does this sound like Hall of Fame material? I have been abstaining from ESPN television until college basketball is over, so i use the Internet for my sports info lately. Just found out that Curt Schilling has retired via his blog. Outstanding Curt, I figured a guy like you would need a teary eyed press conference, a parade, or someone to carry you around like a king on his throne but you proved me wrong. I always thought of you as a cross between arrogant redneck and straight douche bag. I have heard all the radio stations asking if you should be a Hall of Famer and my answer is absolutely not. I find it oddly curious that your best years were after age 30. Ten times you have posted double digit wins with 8 of them after age 30. In the era of steroids you managed to stay clean? I know you have flatly denied using roids but so did Palmeiro. Some of your favorite teammates which you admit to being friends with on your blog 38 Pitches were steroid users Jeff Bagwell, Ken Caminiti, and Brady Anderson to name a few. (not accusing you just questioning) Why do you belong in the Hall Curt because of your absurd affection with ketchup? (everyone knows that's what was on the sock) looks painful
Most of your teammates admit that they didn't like you over the course of your career. The media certainly has lost no love for you with your surly attitude towards them. Randy Johnson, seen below with you trying to tongue him,wont even acknowledge you existence. If you didn't play with some of the best players in the biggest markets you wouldn't have all those rings fat boy. So long Curt you wont be missed.

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