22 March, 2009

Rant From the Recliner

Turns out that I am on the couch instead of the recliner, but you get the point...

How about that hockey game today? Figures that BGK goes Friday and gets to witness a win, but we'll let it slide for the birthday boy - happy belated - I have a Big Mac power play ticket with your name on it.

Observations from the game:

1. Beside me was a girl who I would give a 7 (how fitting, #7, Big of Little Ben) and she happened to be a Pens fan. Her boyfriend, who was a giant douche, was a Flyers fan. When the Flyers would score he would stand up, put his arms in the air acting like we should praise him, and when he wasn't doing that he was texting the whole time. Probably to Billy BEAN...

2. Drinking multiple Sierra Nevadas will catch up to you. Day drinking is a whole different game than night drinking.

3. I saw one girl who in the past, let me penetrate her. I also saw one girl who I've been wanting to penetrate (it sparked me to text her, I'll get that, oh yes I'll get that)

4. Scott Hartnell wins the award for 'Person Who Should Definately Look Into Suicide'. Not only is he inferior, but, get this - he hangs out with people who like the Boston Red Sox. YES FANS, here is the dose of 'FUCK BOSTON FRIDAY' that I could not deliver to you on Friday...

Look closely, the kids with arrows pointing towards them have RED SOX t-shirts on. Bad enough that these kids (who I have blacked out their eyes, for protection, and for punishment) hang out with Hartnell, but they like Boston. Unreal!

1 comment:

  1. Should request pictures of random recliners for these sections.
