13 March, 2009

Who Cares Really?

I am as big of a sports fan that anyone will find. However with that being said I do not enjoy basketball at all. The endless coverage of college basketball has me at wits end. It has reached a point that it is on every sports talk show, tv show, newspaper, and even blogs that i enjoy to listen, watch, or read. I will make it my sworn duty to trash any type of basketball on this blog as long as i live. I know there are people out there who feel just like i do. Who fucking cares how many teams make the NCAA Tournament or what team got snubbed and who is on the bubble..NEWS FLASH not everyone enjoys this mind numbing bullshit. Yes i will fill out a bracket just like 90% of the USA but I only do it because of my gambling problem along with my competitive spirit. I could not care any less if Pitt or any other local team makes it to the Elite 8 or Final 4. Maybe I am alone in this but for the love of Christ there is more going on in the sports world than fucking basketball. The NHL regular season is almost over and there are some serious playoff implications on the line yet not one mention of any of these games. The NHL trade deadline was non-existent unless you watch TSN. The MLB season is right around the corner yet you wouldn't even know spring training is going on because of the absolute bias that ESPN gives to college and pro basketball. Lets face it the steroids are more important for ESPN to report than the actual game. I used to give ESPN the benefit of the doubt as a credible sports coverage broadcast but how can something be credible if you have 24 hr coverage of sports with very little coverage of one of the 4 major sports in this country. The NBA coverage is overwhelming on tv, 2 hour shows before a game featuring Michael Wilbon, Stuart Scott, Steven A Smith, and some has been former basketball players slurping Kobe Lebron Shaq and quite honestly don't really care who else. I don't have an answer to the problem other than don't watch ESPN for the next 3 or 4 months by then all this garbage will be done and the NFL will start. IF you do want to catch some awesome highlights check out the NHL Networks show NHL on the Fly, not only do they give highlights they also show coverage of some live games throughout the show. I hope Pitt loses early in the tournament so we can get back to entertaining sports coverage instead of constant babbling on the same topics over and over again.


  1. I think the reason the NHL gets so little coverage on ESPN is because, 1 in 100 give a shit about hockey. Don't get me wrong, a shoot out is somewhat entertaining, but the rest of the game is as boring as the olympics.
    Also, the pens will not make the playoffs.

  2. ahh the old anonymous commenter...how do you figure this? Have you ever been to a Pens game? There are 17000 people at every home game, and for being a non hockey fan you sure do know alot saying then Pens wont make the playoffs. Your selling yourself short if you dont watch playoff hockey, i too was once blind and elite-Tom told me the same thing im telling you. But if your trying to tell me that college or pro basketball is more entertaining than a hockey game, you are as high as the day is long my friend. Not only will the Pens make the playoffs but they will be a 4 or 5 seed, this team is too talented to miss the playoffs.

  3. if you find hockey boring, you have no soul.

  4. i prefer nba basketball now. it's highly entertaining to watch two guys run a play on offense, while the other three stand there with their thumbs up their asses, and nobody on the other team plays defense. if the nba is really hurting for money, which they are, just make it a 2-on-2 league, nba jam style, because only two guys on each team really do anything to earn $10 mil a year. seriously, duncan and mr. longoria vs. lebron and mo williams. or garnett and pierce vs. kobe and gasol. make this happen.

  5. I think the popularity of a sport should solely be based on how many gamblers each year blow their brains out over losing money on said sport. (Hypothetically speaking of course because we all know the NFL thinks no one bets on sports.)

    After football, basketball does the second best job of keeping the ammo companies in business.

    How many of you participate in an NCAA Hockey pool every year?

    I'm a hockey fan too but I'll watch post season basketball over regular season hockey any day. If there are two games on at once, I have a DVR.

  6. I must say, I watched a pens game the other day and was somewhat entertained. If they would just get rid of the icing and offsides, I would be able to handle it more. There are way too many stoppages in play. Almost as many as soccer. Pens shootout squad is some lames by the way. Some happy gilmore type shit.
    peace in the middle east.
