25 March, 2009

Tuukka Rask=The Man.

I'm a big fan of NHL '09 for the XBOX 360 entertainment system. I enjoy playing online as part of the Ebortal Death club team alongside PW Hallstrom, even though we go down in flames more often than not. I also enjoy playing the part of GM and creating a dynasty from scratch, usually taking a random team, trading away all the veterans/stars and building with youth. One of the goalies I usually go after when rebuilding is 22-year old Tuukka Rask, who is currently a member of the Boston Bruins organization.

What a name. What a uniform.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Rask get a news piece on the front page of ESPN.com today. When I clicked on the story, I became even more excited. This is what got him in the news...

Pure unadulterated awesomeness. How long did it take that dude in the front row to clean the shit out of his undies when he got home? How can anyone not love the game of hockey?


  1. I know exactly what happened. After the goal was scored on him, the opposing player let Rask know that he is part of the Bruins organization. Instantly realizing how fucking terrible it is to be associated with Boston he went APESHIT. Bosotn sucks.

  2. I didn't think you could play a rebound in a SO?

    As for that post shot..was hard to tell, but that's amazing, he totally flipped and his team was just watching like...wtf.
